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  • Project Status: Live
  • Year Founded: 2023
  • Moderation Status: approved
  • Pricing: Premium
  • Categories: Bot, Trading, , ,

BONKbot Summary:

BONKbot is a revolutionary Telegram trading bot for the Solana ecosystem, offering fast and seamless trading of SPL tokens. With advanced features like auto-buy and PNL tracking, BONKbot provides an efficient and user-friendly trading experience. Officially backed by the $BONK community.

BONKbot Description:

BONKbot is a cutting-edge Telegram trading bot designed for the Solana ecosystem, enabling users to trade SPL tokens seamlessly and quickly.

Powered by Jupiter, BONKbot offers the fastest way to manage your trades, ensuring you stay in control even while on the move.

The bot supports instant transactions without the need to connect your wallet or adjust slippage, making it the most efficient tool for traders.

BONKbot is the official partner of the $BONK community and provides a robust trading experience within the Telegram app.

Key Features:

1. Auto Buy: Automatically purchases a token when you paste its address into Telegram.

2. Referrals: Earn a percentage of your referrals' trading fees.

3. PNL Overview: Track market cap, profit after fees, liquidity, token balance, and recent price changes.

4. Bonk Buy and Burn: 100% of trading fees go to buying $BONK, with 10% of all fees burned.

BONKbot offers a unique and powerful solution for trading SPL tokens on Solana, combining the convenience of Telegram with advanced trading features.

With the backing of the $BONK community, BONKbot is poised to become a leading tool for traders in the Solana ecosystem, offering unparalleled speed and efficiency.

BONKbot Pros:

1. Instant Transactions: Execute trades quickly without connecting wallets or adjusting settings.

2. User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use within the Telegram app.

3. Advanced Features: Includes PNL tracking and auto-buy functionalities.

3. Community Support: Officially backed by the $BONK community.

BONKbot Cons:

1. Single Wallet Support: Only one wallet per Telegram account is supported.

2. Limited Token Support: Currently supports tokens paired with SOL.

3. Potential Errors: Users may experience "Token Not Found" or "Swap Failed" errors due to various factors.

BONKbot Use Case:

1. Traders on the Go: Ideal for traders who need to manage their portfolios quickly and efficiently while away from their computers.

2. Community Members: It is beneficial for members of the $BONK community to support their ecosystem.

3. Referrers: Users can earn passive income through the referral program.

BONKbot Demo:

BONKbot Demo Video link not available

BONKbot Team Details:

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Solana, Trading Bot, Telegram Bot, DeFi, SPL Tokens, $BONK, Auto Buy, PNL Tracking

BONKbot Tokenomic:

Does BONKbot have Token:NoBONKbot Token Ticker:

BONKbot NFT Collection:

Does BONKbot have NFT Collection:NoBONKbot NFT Collection link not available

BONKbot Website:


BONKbot Social Media:

TwitterBONKbot Discord link not availableTelegramBONKbot Youtube link not availableBONKbot Linkedin link not available

BONKbot Roadmap:

BONKbot Roadmap link not available

BONKbot Whitepaper:

BONKbot Whitepaper link not available

BONKbot GitHub:

BONKbot Source Code Accessibility:Non-Open SourceBONKbot GitHub link not available

BONKbot Documentation:

DocumentationBONKbot FAQs

Contact BONKbot Support:

BONKbot Support Website link not availableBONKbot Support Live Chat link not availableBONKbot Support Email link not availableBONKbot Support Discord link not availableBONKbot Support X (Twitter) link not availableSupport Telegram

Download BONKbot dApp:

BONKbot Solana dApp Store link not available

Download BONKbot App:

BONKbot Android (Google Play Store) link not availableBONKbot Apple iOS (App Store) link not availableBONKbot Chrome Extension link not availableBONKbot Download Website link not available

BONKbot Bounty:

BONKbot Bug Bounty / General Bounty link not available

BONKbot Grants:

BONKbot Grants link not available

BONKbot Jobs / Careers Opportunities:

BONKbot Jobs/Careers Opportunities link not available