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Neon EVM

  • Project Status: Live
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Moderation Status: approved
Neon EVM
  • Pricing: Freemium
  • Categories: Cross-Chain Solutions, Blockchain Interoperability, DeFi Development Tool, Developer Tool,

Neon EVM Summary:

Neon EVM is a high-performance Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for Solana, enabling developers to deploy Ethereum-native dApps seamlessly. With high throughput, lower costs, and Ethereum compatibility, Neon EVM helps developers bridge Ethereum dApps into Solana's ecosystem efficiently.

Neon EVM Description:

Neon EVM is the first parallelized Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on Solana, enabling developers to deploy Ethereum-native dApps on Solana with little to no modification required for their existing codebase.

By combining the performance of Solana with the familiarity of the Ethereum development ecosystem, Neon EVM empowers developers to leverage low-cost, high-speed capabilities for their projects.

Neon EVM Key Features:

1. Parallel Execution:

Neon EVM takes advantage of Solana's Sealevel parallelization, which allows simultaneous transaction execution, reducing latency and increasing throughput significantly compared to conventional EVMs.

2. Composable Interoperability:

Neon EVM creates a seamless bridge between Ethereum's Virtual Machine and Solana's Sealevel runtime, allowing smart contract interactions across platforms. Developers can integrate features like NFTs, DeFi, and more through Metaplex and other ecosystems.

3. Compatibility with Ethereum Tools:

Neon EVM supports the full set of Ethereum opcodes, allowing developers to use familiar development environments like Solidity and Vyper without major modifications, making migration easier and more accessible.

4. Modular Architecture:

The modular design of Neon EVM enables the separation of tasks such as computation, storage, and consensus, enhancing dApp efficiency and scalability without compromising the user experience.

5. High Performance:

Neon EVM delivers a TPS exceeding 2000 on Solana, reducing transaction costs and maintaining high speed by leveraging Solana’s Proof of History and Tower BFT. It ensures finality within milliseconds.

6. Secure by Design:

Neon EVM employs an isolated environment for smart contracts, audited by industry leaders like Neodyme and LeastAuthority, to prevent unauthorized actions. Signatures are verified using Ethereum’s cryptographic standards.

Neon EVM is a revolutionary platform designed for developers looking to bridge Ethereum's vast ecosystem to Solana's sp

Neon EVM Pros:

1. Ethereum Compatibility: Developers can leverage existing Ethereum-based dApps and tools on Solana with minimal modifications.

2. High Transaction Throughput: Over 2000 TPS offers unparalleled scalability for dApps, enhancing performance.

3. Low Cost: Gas fees are significantly reduced compared to the Ethereum network, making it cost-efficient for both developers and users.

Neon EVM Cons:

1. Dependent on Solana: Being hosted on Solana means Neon EVM’s performance is tied to the health and stability of the Solana network.

2. New Technology: As a newer EVM implementation, developers might face issues that are not yet well-documented or require support for specific features.

3. Learning Curve: Transitioning to Neon EVM may require developers unfamiliar with Solana's architecture to adapt their knowledge, especially for optimization.

Neon EVM Use Case:

1. Porting Ethereum dApps: Neon EVM allows developers to bring Ethereum-based applications to Solana, providing benefits like lower gas fees and increased speed without changing much of their original codebase.

2. Gaming and NFTs: Utilize Neon’s parallel execution capabilities to build high-performance gaming dApps and NFT projects integrated with Solana.

3. DeFi on Solana: Developers can create Ethereum-based DeFi products that operate on the fast, low-cost Solana infrastructure using Neon EVM.

Neon EVM Team Details:

Neon EVM Team MembersSocial Links
Marina Guryeva
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Ethereum, EVM, Solana, Smart Contracts, Cross-Chain, DeFi, dApps, Neon EVM

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