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  • Project Status: Live
  • Year Founded: 2022
  • Moderation Status: approved
  • Pricing: Freemium
  • Categories: DAO Management Tooling, , , ,

Realms Summary:

Realms offers a robust and flexible platform for creating and managing DAOs on the Solana blockchain.

Realms Description:

Realms is a comprehensive platform built on the Solana blockchain that offers tooling for DAO creation, voting, and treasury management.

Designed to support both small multisig setups and billion-dollar protocols, Realms provides a user-friendly interface to manage members, vote on proposals, and allocate resources efficiently.

Previously developed and managed by Solana Labs team (now by Realms Today Trust DAO) using the SPL Governance token standard, Realms is DAO and asset-type agnostic, allowing for the creation of various types of DAOs, such as multisig wallets, NFT community DAOs, and community token DAOs. With integrations across DeFi, staking, and identity services, Realms is positioned as the home for on-chain communities within the Solana ecosystem.

With a user-friendly interface and extensive integrations, it supports diverse community needs, from small multisig wallets to large-scale protocols, enhancing the efficiency and engagement of decentralized communities.

Realms Pros:

1. Comprehensive DAO Management: Offers a full suite of tools for DAO creation, voting, and treasury management.

2. User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies interaction with DAO governance smart contracts.

3. Extensive Integrations: Integrates with various services for notifications, DeFi, staking, and identity management.

Realms Cons:

1. Learning Curve: New users might need time to fully understand the functionalities and integrations.

2. Dependency on Solana: Relies on the stability and performance of the Solana blockchain.

3. Complex Setup for Large DAOs: Managing a large DAO with extensive assets and members can be complex and requires careful planning.

Realms Use Case:

1. Community Builders: Ideal for individuals and groups looking to create and manage decentralized communities on Solana.

2. DeFi Projects: Provides tools for DeFi projects to manage governance and allocate resources efficiently.

3. NFT Collectors: Facilitates the creation of NFT community DAOs, allowing NFT holders to participate in governance.

Realms Team Details:

Realms Team MembersSocial Links
Solana Lab Team (previous founding team)
Realms Today Trust

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Realms Governance:



DAO creation, governance, treasury management, community building, SPL Governance

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Does Realms have NFT Collection:NoRealms NFT Collection link not available

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Realms Source Code Accessibility:Open SourceGitHub

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