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  • Project Status: Live
  • Year Founded: 2023
  • Moderation Status: approved
  • Pricing: Freemium
  • Categories: Game, , , ,

Scannner Summary:

Scannner is a groundbreaking blockchain game on Solana that merges physical exploration with digital asset collection. Players can scan barcodes to collect NFTs, customize their heroes, and participate in exciting battle events.

Scannner Description:

Scannner is a blockchain-based game on the Solana network where players engage in scanning barcodes to collect NFTs and earn rewards.

This innovative gaming experience blends the physical world with digital asset collection, providing a unique interactive adventure.

It has a blend of Japanese style and some of the content might be in Japanese.

Players can customize their heroes with collected NFTs, participate in battles, and trade their digital assets on the marketplace.

Key Features:

1. Barcode Scanning for NFTs:

Players can scan barcodes from everyday items to collect unique NFTs that can be used within the game.

2. Hero Customization:

Customize your heroes with collected NFTs to enhance their abilities and appearance.

3. Battle Events:

Engage in various battle events, including common enemy battles and boss battles, to earn rewards and climb leaderboards.

4. NFT Marketplace:

Trade collected NFTs on Magic Eden, adding an economic layer to the game.

5. Hidden World Storyline:

Dive into a rich narrative that connects the physical and digital worlds through the hidden world concept.

Scannner offers a revolutionary approach to gaming by combining the physical and digital worlds through barcode scanning and blockchain technology.

Its focus on NFT collection, hero customization, and engaging battles provides a rich and dynamic gaming experience.

As it continues to grow, Scannner is poised to become a leading example of innovative blockchain gaming on Solana.

Scannner Pros:

1. Innovative Gameplay: Combines real-world exploration with blockchain technology for a unique gaming experience.

2. NFT Integration: Allows for the collection, customization, and trading of NFTs, adding depth and value to gameplay.

3. Engaging Storyline: Offers a compelling narrative that enhances the immersive experience.

Scannner Cons:

1. Accessibility: Requires a device capable of scanning barcodes and internet access, which might limit some users.

2. Learning Curve: New users might find it challenging to understand the integration of blockchain and NFTs in the game.

3. Language barrier: Some of the Scannner project content is in Japanese which could limit the audience reach.

Scannner Use Case:

1. Gaming Enthusiasts: Ideal for players who enjoy interactive and exploratory gaming experiences that combine physical and digital elements.

2. NFT Collectors: Suitable for those interested in collecting, customizing, and trading digital assets.

3. Adventurers: Perfect for users who like to explore their environment and discover hidden treasures through barcode scanning.

Scannner Team Details:

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Blockchain, Solana, NFT, Gaming, Barcode Scanning, Digital Assets, Interactive Game

Scannner Tokenomic:

Does Scannner have Token:NoScannner Token Ticker:

Scannner NFT Collection:

Does Scannner have NFT Collection:YesScannner NFT Collection Website

Scannner Website:


Scannner Social Media:

TwitterDiscordScannner Telegram link not availableYoutubeScannner Linkedin link not available

Scannner Roadmap:

Scannner Roadmap link not available

Scannner Whitepaper:


Scannner GitHub:

Scannner Source Code Accessibility:Non-Open SourceScannner GitHub link not available

Scannner Documentation:

DocumentationScannner FAQs link not available

Contact Scannner Support:

Support WebsiteScannner Support Live Chat link not availableScannner Support Email link not availableSupport DiscordScannner Support X (Twitter) link not availableScannner Support Telegram link not available

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Scannner Solana dApp Store link not available

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Scannner Android (Google Play Store) link not availableScannner Apple iOS (App Store) link not availableScannner Chrome Extension link not availableScannner Download Website link not available

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Scannner Bug Bounty / General Bounty link not available

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